Обучение в университете Парма, Италия

Обучение в университете Парма, Италия

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We would like to inform you that our updated Info Sheet for Erasmus+ and International Cooperation opportunities is published at http://en.unipr.it/InfoSheet_University_of_Parma

Complete information for inbound exchange students is available at http://en.unipr.it/whoareyou/exchange-students

As far as student mobility for studies is concerned, we remind you that deadlines for the first semester/full year 2018/19 are as follows:
-   nomination: 30 April
-   application: 10 June (application period starting from 10 May)

Nominations already sent in our format (http://en.unipr.it/node/3414) to incoming@unipr.it are currently being processed and you will receive a confirmation by the 10 May, if you haven’t received it yet.

Please note that until the 10 May we can accept late nominations, which will be processed as soon as possible.